
Ministry Leader

High Performance Leadership Coach

Learn How to Activate What’s In You,
So You Can Elevate What’s Around You


Empower, support, and equip women to activate what’s within them to elevate what’s around them.

I am dedicated to the process of leadership development and supporting women as they discover the keys that will unlock and unleash their God-given confidence, clarity, courage, and find congruence as they lead at the highest level.

Are you ready to ACTIVATE what's within you?

1:1 Coaching

Team Trainings + Workshops


Group Coaching

Receive a FREE resource that will help you get unstuck and move forward with clarity and confidence!

Are you ready to accomplish your goals and feel confident doing them?! Your Purpose Planner will give you simple and strategic tools to set weekly intentions, master your mindset, and help you take steps towards your dreams!

Stories of Success

“Having the opportunity to work in close proximity with Hollie Jo is worth the investment. She is a high level leader, and has wisdom that has transformed my leadership and my life. Because of her support, accountability, and coaching strategies I have seen the growth personally which has impacted my marriage and kids in a positive and profound way! I highly recommend working with Hollie Jo in any capacity!”

Yolanda • 34 • Real Estate Agent

“I truly loved my experience working with Hollie Jo! Meeting weekly, and the accountability that came with it, helped me stay focused and encouraged as I worked toward my goals. Even after my time in the cohort ended, I still find myself implementing several of the techniques she taught into my daily life. Hollie Jo has a way of empowering those around her and drawing out the best in others.”

Emerson • 25 • Real Estate Agent

“Working closely with Hollie Jo was one of the best decisions I made. Her guidance has instilled in me a deeper sense of purpose and compassion. She supported every step I took and gave me valuable insight that empowered me to foster inclusivity and effective communication in my life and career. Hollie Jo’s leadership is truly a gift. I’ve not only witnessed personal growth but also the positive impact it has on those I lead.”

Britnai • 28 • Massage Therapist & Business Owner

“Hollie Jo has been a beautiful blessing and has impacted me in so many ways in life and leadership. She has inspired me with her words, her actions and her confidence in who God has created us to be as leaders. She has helped me transform my communication skills in my interpersonal relationships and my career. Her ability to see and pull out my greatest potential has changed the way I lead and live my ever day life.”

Debbie • 50 • HR Director